I don’t do Facebook, but today I am compelled to post this story.
As you know we have been working very hard on the Ski to Defeat ALS fund raiser.
For the last few months we have been meeting with various organizations raising awareness about ALS and what the ALS Association is doing for those afflicted with this deadly disease.
Today I visited Cooper Mountain Elementary School and Connie Macomber’s third grade class. This had to be one the most emotional, tearful, joyful assignment I have ever experienced.
The children were bright, well read, and inquisitive. The most salient part of this story that brought me to tears was a little Cambodian girl who somehow heard about my disease and handed me six dollars.
To protect this child’s privacy I wont reveal the hardships she has encountered, but I have to tell you that of all the thousands of dollars that have come through by all your generous donations, Her six dollars has special meaning to me.
What makes an 8 year old child become altruistic? can we learn something from her? I think we can. I am now asking all who have not signed up for the event or made their donations to do so as soon as possible
I will set up Catalina on my team with the initial $75.00 and the $150.00 in pledges. All I ask is for you is to honor her by matching her 6 bucks or more in the name of Catalina.
Today we are over $92,000 towards are goal of $100,000. Thanks to all who have participated and I will see you on the mountain April 14.
Here’s the link to the event website: www.skitodefeatals.org.
The Fredinator